Please do join us for our Advent course - all welcome. Course material for the four Studies can be accessed below.
Note: Since we were unable to meet on Monday 29th November, we will cover Study 3 on December 6th, with Study 4 taking place on December 13th.
Click here for the Zoom link.:
The course will be led by Mark Venn. Contact him if you would like help setting up your equipment.
Our Advent course is based on a series put together by John Birch ( He writes:
"‘Come, thou long expected Jesus,’ is one of many hymns written by Charles Wesley, and influenced by the class divide in 18th Century Britain and the orphans he saw in the streets, along with a particular Bible verse which states, ‘“I will shake all nations, and what is desired by all nations will come, and I will fill this house with glory,” says the LORD Almighty’ (Haggai 2:7).
Charles Wesley wrote this in 1744 and published it in his ‘Hymns for the Nativity of Our Lord’, hoping those singing it would remember the Nativity but think also about the Second Coming, both familiar themes today in our annual journey through the season of Advent.
The preacher Charles Spurgeon thought highly enough of this hymn to use it as an illustration in a sermon for Christmas in 1855, and through Spurgeon and others the hymn became well known and published in several hymnbooks, paired with popular tunes such as ‘Stuttgart’ and ‘Hyfrydol’.
Charles Wesley was born in Epworth, Lincolnshire, the son of Anglican cleric and poet Samuel Wesley and his wife Susanna. He was a younger brother of Methodist founder John Wesley and Anglican cleric Samuel Wesley the Younger, and he became the father of musician Samuel Wesley and grandfather of musician Samuel Sebastian Wesley."