The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a new piece of legislation that came into force in May 2018. It is new to everyone and will have an impact on almost every organisation, charity, and PCC.
Gloucester Diocese has produced a range of documents that each our PCCs have found helpful in preparing for, and setting up their GDPR arrangements. Several PCC Secretaries have attended GDPR training workshops. The Revd David Minns also held a briefing session for PCC Secretaries on 15th May at Stratton. Further information is available here: and a video here
Each of the APCMs has adopted and approved a policy document which is displayed in a prominent position such as the noticeboard in South Porch as well as a model policy statement (attached).
Please be aware that in order to process your application for a baptism, wedding or funeral service we need to hold your data and as part of a multi parish Benefice your information may be shared within the Benefice.