Its best to pay someone after you have received the groceries and their receipt rather than giving cash up front. Don't let anyone into your house in case you or they are carrying the virus. Be alert for safeguarding issues!
A national crisis like this brings out the best in most people as well as the worst in some. Scammers and fraudsters are working overtime during the COVID-19 crisis. Please take very seriously the following guidelines:
If someone that you don’t know, knocks on your door and offers to do your shopping because you are self isolating, DO NOT hand over any cash, or card details. If you do, you will not see your cash again, and you have given thieves and fraudsters the ability to access your bank account.
If you receive a call purporting to be from your Bank, telling you that they are suspending loan interest charges, or giving you a mortgage holiday, but before they do they need to verify your account details, again DO NOT give anyone your bank account or card details over the phone. Your bank will never ring and ask you to provide such details over the phone. Either put the phone down, or tell them you don’t have a mortgage or any loans, they will then put the phone down.
If you receive an e-mail from HMRC telling you that you are entitled to a tax refund, but they need you to verify your bank details, just delete the message, however genuine it looks. Again, HMRC will never ask for your bank details either by e-mail or over the phone.