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Churn Valley Church

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Prayer Vigil in Stratton on Eve of Coronation

Do drop into St Peter’s, Stratton, between the hours of 10am and 10pm for a quiet half hour or more as the nation prepares for the Coronation of King Charles III. At all times there will be at least 2 people in the church for you to join, to sit quietly/reflectively/prayerfully, if you wish. Reflective Readings or Prayers will be spoken from the lectern for a few minutes on the hour, every hour.

Our thoughts may coalesce around some of the following:

The personal safety of everyone involved in the Coronation event

The well-being of everyone who carries responsibility on the day

The desire for a generous spirit to pervade all things

For grace for Archbishop Justin Welby and all his colleagues who will lead the Coronation Service

For Charles and Camilla to still their own nerves and fears

For the New Era for our Nation to be an era of peace and wisdom, justice and mercy

For communities of all faiths and none to gather joyfully in their diversity

That past history can be embraced in a spirit of forgiveness

That King Charles’ passion for supporting young people on paths to fulfilment and employment will continue to flourish

That King Charles’ passion for stewarding our planet for future generations will continue to flourish

That King Charles’ approach to interfaith dialogue may lead to a greater understanding of humanity etc…


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