The response to the Christmas Appeal 'Bags of Joy' was truly extraordinary. Wonderful gifts have arrived from across the area. Gifts which make a real difference to the festive season for so many people.
The recipients of this love are: families in two Women's Refuges – the only one in Gloucestershire and another just outside the county; families supported by GARAS (Gloucestershire Action for Refugees and Asylum Seekers); the Salvation Army (SA) who prepare gift parcels for local disadvantaged children and their families; the Cirencester Food Bank who have linked with the SA to extend their standard range of items over the festive season; Gloucester City Mission providing everyday essentials and festive extras for those who have 'nowhere else'; Knit for Peace who ensure that hand-made items are directly forwarded to those in greatest need across the World; Gloucestershire Mothers' Union who give £5 Coffee Vouchers to the women on discharge from prison to ensure that they can get themselves a drink and snack. These eight destinations all ensure that the gifts you have generously donated will benefit those most in need.
I would also like to thank that small band of cheerful helpers who have collected; carefully stored; helped sort and then delivered these Christmas Gifts on behalf of us all. Thank you!
Pauline Farman