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Churn Valley Church

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Volunteers sought to help children with reading

Stratton Church of England Primary School is looking for new volunteers to come into school to listen to the children read...

The Celtic Church - Parish Link articles

The origins of the Celtic church and the contrast between it and the Anglican church.

News and Events - Ride and Stride

An ode for the Ride and Stride, 10 September 2022

Next 'Big Breakfast Bash' is: Sunday 21st August...

The August 'Big Breakfast Bash' at Stratton School will be a Barbeque on the School Field....

Date for the diary.....

Coberley's annual Village fete returns this year on August Bank Holiday Monday. Save the date!

Introducing Stratton Church's new Big Breakfast Bash!

Ideal for families, this new breakfast gathering will begin on Sunday 19th June from 9.30am in the hall at Stratton Primary School. It will then be held every third Sunday in the month.

In Community News...

Stratton Court Care Home is hosting a Street Party, as part of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee celebrations. Any donations will go to St Peter's Church, Stratton.

Celebrating HM the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in Bagendon

There are plans for a 'Bonfire-Beacon-Barbeque' and a free 'Cream Tea and tree planting' in Bagendon to mark Her Majesty's Platinum Jubilee at the start of June.

Picnic afternoon date for your diaries in July

On 2nd July you are invited to picnic in a beautiful wood in Rendcomb with family and friends.

Marking Ascension Day in the Churn Valley

Last minute reminder! A benefice Holy Communion Service followed by light supper is planned in Cowley on Thursday 26th May to mark Ascension Day.

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